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Miniature Painting 
Saleh employs the traditional technique of Indo-Persian miniature painting in a contemporary context. Many of these works focus on the subject of war, migration and identity. Often inspired by the symbolic motifs in traditional carpets, these works are made using natural pigments, gold leaf and hand made paper. 


Prints are available of all works.

شۆڕش ساڵح، ته‌كنیكی وێنه‌كێشانی میناتۆ به‌شێوه‌یه‌كی هاوچه‌رخانه‌ له‌ كاره‌كانیدا به‌كار ده‌هێنێت. زۆربه‌ی كاره‌كانی گوزارشت له‌ جه‌نگ و ئاواره‌بوون و كێشه‌ی شوناس ده‌كات. زیاتر بۆكاره‌كانی ڕه‌نگی سروشتی و ئاڵتوون‌ و كاغه‌‌زی خۆكرد به‌كارده‌هێنێت


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